In my picture book marathon, I hit the wall. I found myself paralyzed with writer's block. My mind wasn't able to squeeze out any story ideas I could write to completion with a beginning, middle, and an end. All that stared at me was a blank notebook. My lead pencil made contact with the paper, but it didn't move. I switched my writing instrument to a glittery pink pencil with a purple flower eraser attached to the top hoping it would inspire me. It, too, didn't move.

So what did I do? I looked elsewhere for inspiration. I turned to my favorite authors for support and immersed myself in books like, HARRY THE DIRTY DOG, OLIVIA, and WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE for motivation. I also visited the Picture Book Marathon website and turned to fellow marathoners for encouragement and support. It's great to know that I wasn't alone.
“To the soul, there is hardly anything more healing than friendship.”
-Thomas Moore
I went back to my pencil and notebook and scribbled. Next thing I knew, my scribbles turned into words. My words were forming sentences. My sentences turned into paragraphs. I found myself back on track. And the thought of being that much closer to the finish line, gave me a second wind. Only 5 more miles (stories) to go!
This week's stories:
Mile 15: A Heart is...
Mile 16: Karmen Chameleon
Mile 17: Karmen Chameleon Helps a Friend
Mile 18: The Valentines Gift
Mile 19: Baby Girl
Mile 20: Chocolate!
Mile 21: What's In The Box?
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