Wednesday, April 10, 2013


I’m a runner and most runners like to run in the wee hours of the morning when the air is fresh and crisp…except me. I’m not a morning person.  In the morning, my energy is low and I feel sluggish.  So running at this hour is difficult for me.  My breathing is labored, my form is poor, and my time is slow.  My optimal running time is in the early evening when the sun is about to set.  At this hour, I’m alert, alive, and full or energy.

This got me thinking about my writing.  Perhaps I have an optimal writing time- a time when my right brain is functioning at its peak.  As a mom of two young boys and a full-time job, I write whenever I have the opportunity to write.

My optimal writing time would be when:
  • feel most inspired to write
  • creativity strikes me
  • ideas pop into my head like popcorn
  • my mind is most alert
  • I am energized

In the next few weeks I’m going to try to see if I can find my optimal writing time. When I do, I'm taking advantage of that opportunity. 

How about you?  When is your optimal or favorite time to write?

Please take my poll on the RIGHT bar and I'll post results in May.

***UPDATE: Poll results are in at Optimal Writing TIme- Results Revealed.


  1. I took the poll! (It's still showing as zero votes, though)

    I'm a Graveyard Shift writer! I start in the wee small hours of the morning, and keep going 'til I can't help but pass out (or 'til I know I have to go to bed or I'll die at work, ha-ha)!

    1. Lol! Yah, that work thing sure gets in the way of writing.

  2. Excellent question, Romelle! I took the poll!
    I like to write first thing in the morning. I'm a morning person. ;)

    1. Thanks for stopping by Rebecca! I wish I was a morning person.

  3. Great question. My favorite is Saturday morning when I get the chance. I find my head is best in the early morning before the daily routine starts or at the end of the day after everything else is done.

  4. I am best when I have huge blocks of time on my hands, especially summer time in my recliner with peace and quiet. Love to jog first thing, dream up ideas, and put them on paper when I get back to the house. Guess we're a little opposite.

    1. Yes! Running is the best time for ideas. That's when most of my inspiration comes. So I guess my optimal time is at sunset, when I run. When I have my idea, I try to write it down as soon as I get a chance.

    2. •feel most inspired to write

      •creativity strikes me

      Also, mornings and evenings seem to work well. :-D

  5. I write when I can. My only problem of time is whether I have writer's block... ;)

    1. That's my problem. I want to figure out when my peak/creative muse is most active.

  6. I write when I can find nuggets of time, which is usually morning or late night. I would bet 10am is a prime time for me, but I'll have to wait until the kids are in school to see!

    1. Kids in school is very productive for me as well!

  7. I'm insomnia inspired! When I wake inexplicably at 2 AM (is that a raccoon in the trash again??) I'm filled with the most wild and wooly PB ideas.

    In daylight they seem a bit less dazzling, but it is a place to begin!

    1. LOL! I guess the raccoon may be a sign that you need to write about him. You make insomnia look good!

  8. I'm a morning person, for sure -- though like everyone else I pretty much have to take what I can get.

  9. It's so great that we are all passionate about writing so we write when we can because we want to. The good thing is that every little nugget of time is sometimes enough until next time.

  10. Midmorning is good for me! I have never been an early bird or late owl so midday hours are best. :)

  11. My best time is whenever I can scrounge a moment away from the kids. I prefer night writing over morning writing, but I'll take any time I can get. Fun survey!

    1. Thanks for your response, Hannah. As mothers, we take any moment we can get! Kids, however, do provide lots of inspiration.



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