Wednesday, October 12, 2011


I’m a runner and most runners like to run in the wee hours of the morning when the air is fresh and crisp…except me. I’m not a morning person.  In the morning, my energy is low and I feel sluggish.  So running at this hour is difficult for me.  My breathing is labored, my form is poor, and my time is slow.  My optimal running time is in the early evening when the sun is about to set.  At this hour, I’m alert, alive, and full or energy.

The view from my early evening run
This got me thinking about my writing.  Perhaps I have an optimal writing time- a time when my right brain is functioning at its peak.  It’s a time in which my creative juices are flowing like a river.  I haven’t discovered my optimal writing time yet.  As a mom of two young boys and a full-time job, I write whenever I have the opportunity to write.  However, my ideas may not be flowing.

The creative right brain

Then there are times when creativity strikes me.  I need to take note of the time of day I feel most inspired to write or when I am full of ideas.  If I know when my mind is most alert, I should take advantage of that opportune time.  So in the next few weeks, I’m going to try to see if I can find my optimal writing time.

How about you?  When is your favorite time to write?

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