I first submitted my manuscript to Highlights. Although, I knew submitting to them was a stretch, I thought I'd take a chance and introduce to them my version of nonfiction, which is "creative nonfiction." I've studied back issues of Highlights so I knew they published nonfiction articles with a tight focus, and preferred research based on firsthand experience. They especially welcome articles about cultural life. My story fit the bill...well, almost. They don't exactly publish "creative nonfiction." But I thought I might change their mind after they read my story...WRONG!
The funny thing is that I've heard this rule before and I ignored it. Call me amateur. Call me ignorant. I like to call myself a risk-taker. After all, "those who never make mistakes lose a great many chances to learn something.
"The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing." ~John Powell
So I submitted my story to Skipping Stones, which should have been my first choice. Skipping Stones is a children's magazine that celebrates cultural diversity. They encourage submissions of creative informational stories rather than pure fiction.
With a little tweaking, my "creative nonfiction" turned into a "creative informational story." I rewrote my story to fit the magazine's style of writing. That's how it should be done. Skipping Stones Magazine published my story, "My First Jeepney Ride," in their November-December 2010 issue.
Skipping Stones Magazine is an award-winning cultural magazine. As they put it, "We are committed to facilitating a meaningful exchange of ideas and experiences. We want to make reading an active experience, relevant to issues confronting children locally and globally."
I am thrilled to be sharing my culture with children all over the world. Please pick-up an issue of Skipping Stones and read my story, "My First Jeepney Ride."
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